What is the definition of an Endosister? For those of us who have Endometriosis, this simple word can mean so much. For those who don't have Endo, it may make no sense at all. I tried to search for a definition but I couldn't find anything to describe it properly. So I thought who better to ask than endosisters themselves? Below are the most popular words and phrases I had sent to me via Twitter. The overall message I took from this was how united and supportive we are as a community. To all my Endosisters, this is how other women view you: brave, beautiful, determined and more than anything else a friend. You don't have to see an Endosister to know they are there... "Silent survivors." @StacyP_21 "A powerfully silent understanding, life saving, light in the dark, a bond tainted with sadness but sparkling with hope...part of something special as a result of something horrible." @RetroQuenie "A global sisterhood of women with...
I don't proclaim to be an expert. I'm just an endometriosis sufferer, talking about what I know. Wanting to raise awareness of endometriosis and share my endo diary with you