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Showing posts from August, 2014

Endometriosis: What is Chronic Pain?

The word chronic is used to describe an illness that lasts a long time or one which constantly reoccurs. When referring to chronic pain, it means pain that has lasted more than three to six months. A serious condition which lasts less than this time scale is usually referred to as acute pain. The most common types of chronic pain include headaches, backaches and pain from an injury. Other sources stem from the shoulders, neck, pelvis, muscle or nerve pain.  Chronic pain can vary in severity, it can fluctuate from mild to severe, be sporadic or continuous. It can be described as shooting, aching or burning feelings. You can get discomfort, stiffness or soreness. Unfortunately, pain doesn't come alone. People with chronic pain also report changes in their moods, fatigue, insomnia and the need to rest a lot more. There are different types of chronic pain which depending on location or illness, are put into different categories. Endometriosis falls into what's known as nocicep...

Endometriosis: My Battle With Depression

Today is exactly one year to the day that I was diagnosed with depression. August 11th last year I had my first panic attack after being extremely depressed for a few months. August 12th last year I had to finally admit that I couldn't control it. I couldn't hide it and certainly couldn't cope with it anymore. I was taken to the doctors by my mother and put on antidepressants. I wrote a post last year on my diagnosis which I found quite hard to write. (Click here  to view.) This second one is not proving to be any easier for me. I can write about my endometriosis symptoms quite easily, all the ins and outs of it, I find it as a second nature to be as open as I possibly can. So why when it comes to my mental health do I feel myself clam up and struggle? The honest truth of the situation is I don't think I portrayed the full extent of my depression last year. Even close friends and family wouldn't know the full extent of it. Thinking back on the thoughts I was havin...

Endometriosis: Pain Management Appointment

At my Gynaecology appointment last week I was referred to Pain Management. I was more than surprised to be contacted the next day to be told they could fit me in a day later. I was somewhat apprehensive on what would be suggested... if anything! I am so used to explaining to doctors about endometriosis and my symptoms to just be met with a blank look across their faces. If I am being completely honest, I thought it would be a waste of time, but worth going as I've tried everything else that's been thrown at me. I'm happy to report that I was completely wrong with my prejudgment. I met an endometriosis specialist nurse at the University of Wales Hospital who went through every single one of my pains and symptoms. A history of my pain was noted as well as current pains, including what types of pain I get during cycles, pains during the rest of the month, energy levels and sleep. Thorough is an understatement. We also talked through my current pain medications (Tramadol, O...

Endometriosis: Back At Square One?

Do you ever feel like you're going round and round in circles? You think you have jumped through every hoop and crossed every hurdle that endometriosis can throw at you... then all of a sudden you end up back at square one? That's kind of how I feel right now.  It was confirmed to me yesterday that I definitely need another operation. In the back of my mind I knew it was coming, but having it said out loud by my doctor makes it somewhat more real. Definite. Thinking that my endo may have got worse is no longer a passing thought that I can put to the back of my mind. The pain I've been having is real. And I'm on the list for a third laparoscopy, my first only being in 2011. The doctors think that more cysts may have developed on my ovaries and are concerned that endo may have spread to my bowels again. They are currently checking my notes from my previous operation to see where on the bowel it was found. From this, they will decide if I need a longer time in surgery....