The word chronic is used to describe an illness that lasts a long time or one which constantly reoccurs. When referring to chronic pain, it means pain that has lasted more than three to six months. A serious condition which lasts less than this time scale is usually referred to as acute pain. The most common types of chronic pain include headaches, backaches and pain from an injury. Other sources stem from the shoulders, neck, pelvis, muscle or nerve pain. Chronic pain can vary in severity, it can fluctuate from mild to severe, be sporadic or continuous. It can be described as shooting, aching or burning feelings. You can get discomfort, stiffness or soreness. Unfortunately, pain doesn't come alone. People with chronic pain also report changes in their moods, fatigue, insomnia and the need to rest a lot more. There are different types of chronic pain which depending on location or illness, are put into different categories. Endometriosis falls into what's known as nocicep...
I don't proclaim to be an expert. I'm just an endometriosis sufferer, talking about what I know. Wanting to raise awareness of endometriosis and share my endo diary with you