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Showing posts from August, 2013

My Endo Diaries reaches 15,000 views!

Wow. I cannot believe my blog on Endometriosis has reached 15,000 views! I'm overwhelmed. Now I know some bloggers get hundreds and thousands of views and they are a lot more known, but for me to have 15,000 views means so much! Every person who has clicked on my posts I appreciate you so so much for taking the time to do it.  When I was first diagnosed with Endometriosis I was at a bit of a loss. I joined twitter and set up this blog in order to reach out to people & try and spread awareness. Truthfully, I didn't expect many (if any!) people to read it. For me it was just a place to rant. What I didn't expect was the love, support and reassurance I received back from people reading my blog. It still amazes me now! Whenever someone messages me to say they can relate to my blog, that it feels like they are reading about themselves & are happy to know they are not alone in this makes me feel so honoured. It's even made me quite teary at times! People being ab...

Endometriosis: A letter to my younger self

If you could write a letter to your younger self, (before your endometriosis diagnosis) what would you tell yourself? What advice would you give? Please take time to leave a comment below - let me know what you would say! Here's my letter to my younger self.. Dear me..      The periods you are having are not normal. They should not be causing you so much pain and making you spend days in bed. Don't take today for granted. In a few years you'll need all the strength you can get. There will be some tough patches ahead but I want you to remember that you are right! You know best when something isn't quite right with your body. Go with that niggling feeling! Do not let doctors  or some people you know make you doubt yourself or feel insane. The pain IS NOT all in your head. IT IS REAL! Put your foot down Girl! Fight!      There will be days you're going to struggle with pain. Getting through some days will be hard. But please believe me, you will d...

Endometriosis: My letter to you

Dear Endometriosis,      This is my letter to you. I want you to know how much you hurt me. You have caused me so much pain for so many years. When I was 16 my periods were so bad I'd spend days in bed and time off school. None of my friends seemed to have the same problems, yet I didn't think it was that unusual. I didn't know you were behind it. Christmas 2009 I started to feel really down and unwell. By February 2010 you started to increase the pain. Stabbing & shooting me in the stomach, making me jump when the pains came on so quickly. You made me feel completely insane when doctors wouldn't believe me. You go where you want, when you want. You agonise my back and legs. You torment my ovaries, my cervix, my pelvis, my bladder and even twisted my bowel into a loop.      Two operations later, I've had you lasered out and cut out. At 23 I had 6 months of prostap which put me into a temporary menopause. No 23 year old should have to experience th...

Endometriosis and the Spoon Theory

When I was first diagnosed with Endometriosis, I noticed on twitter people were using the hastag #spoonies. I had no idea what this was. After some research I found a website  made by Christine Miserandino who created the 'Spoon Theory'. When trying to explain how Endometriosis (or other chronic illnesses) impacts you on a daily basis, this theory could not put it any better! It explains in a brilliant way how people with a chronic illness struggle with a limited amount of energy each day. How the smallest of tasks for a healthy person can leave us feeling exhausted. I recommend any newly diagnosed Endosister's who have not seen it before to take a look! Or, use it as a good way to explain to family, friends, employers or colleagues exactly how Endometriosis can affect you. Click here  to view the article.. I hope you find the link useful! #MyEndoDiary