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Showing posts from October, 2011

Endometriosis: Why me? Why not?

Why does endometriosis have to be so frustrating?? So annoying? At times making you feel helpless, alone and fragile. Endometriosis - the name itself is complicated enough to say to those not in the 'know'. Why does the condition itself have to be a million times more complicated. This last week has been so up and down for me. Some days I have been feeling great, doing lots. The next day I'm in so much pain I can't do anything. My bleeding has been changing from very light to practically nothing to heavy with extreme pain and cramps. It gets so bad the memories of good days are hard to recall and bring to the front of my mind. Breaking point came today whilst in the supermarket. It was packed, my cramps had started from the moment I got out of bed. Walking around the supermarket I was surprised people wernt giving me funny looks as I stood in one place holding onto the trolley to try keep me upright. It was hard to walk. Got to the queue to pay when they came worse. ...