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Endo doesn't come alone..

Hi Everyone! Firstly, I apologise that I haven't posted recently so thanks for staying with me and still reading my blog in the meantime. Really means a lot to me. If one person can relate to anything i have written, that's good enough for me! To feel you are not alone and not going mad is something I quite often need reassurance of - so hopefully my blog will do the same for you.

The last few months have been quite testing for me. Yesterday was one of the worst days I've had in a while. Continuous pain for two days running resulted in me nearly fainting yesterday afternoon. Came on so quick, so dizzy, felt like I was going to be sick, sweating so much it was running down my face. Was so glad my mother was with me who quickly sat me down, stripped me off and cooled me down with a cold water compress. Scared the life out of me. Went to bed at 4:30pm and stayed there.

I realised pretty quickly when I was first diagnosed with Endometriosis that it doesn't come alone. First came the IBS on top which I wrote about in my previous post. However since then, I have had awful pains in my lower back and shooting down my both legs although most of the pain in my left side. Gut instinct I was sure it was something to do or caused by Endo. My GP told me no. It was nothing to do with Endo and was more likely a spinal problem?! So I went back to my Gynaecologist. Some days it hurts so much just to walk and put one foot in front of the other. The tests started again. First up, I had an internal scan in November. This showed that unfortunately my right ovary is stuck to my bowel..again. After only 9 months since my 2nd laparoscopy. This can cause referred pain in my back and legs but my gyneacologist had a suspicion this wasn't the only cause of the pain. Next I was referred to Orthopaedic's in December. MRI test was done, luckily all came back ok. But feelings of initial diagnosis of Endo came flooding back. Anyone else go though numerous test, just to be told everything was clear? Doctors believing that was a good thing? Some people may think this is good news. But to me, it just made me feel insane! Like it was all in my head! I went back to see my Gynae which is when we found the answer.. Currently in Oxford University there is research being done about the link between women with Endometriosis and Back Problems. He believed due to my posture, crouching over and curling up in a ball because of the endo pains (pretty much constantly over the last 3 years) it has damaged my back muscles. Referred to a Physiotherapist in January and it was all confirmed! So, now i'm going through Physio to try and strengthen the muscles and get them working properly again. Had my second appointment today so hoping this will start working soon and provide even a little relief from what can be at times, a daily struggle.



  1. Good luck with the physio, I really hope it brings you some relief. I can definitely relate to having test after test to be told there's nothing wrong, it's so frustrating xx

    1. Thank you very much! Can feel like we're constantly going round in circles with Endo, definitely frustrating! Thanks for reading xx

  2. Very nice post!! I like it!!Very few of us know that endometriosi is the one of the most common cause of infertility, basically it founds in 6-10% of women. symptoms of this disease is different depends upon the stages of activeness of endometriosi.

    1. Thank you. Yes i know. Endometriosis affects so much of our lives in more than one way. It's a horrible thing to suffer from!


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