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Doctor Who, Endometriosis What?

How many doctors have I seen and received totally different advice from? In the last year alone, at least six. Whether all that information was correct, I beg to differ. It seems that during my time coming to terms with having endometriosis I have done so much research on it I actually believe I know more on it than most of the doctors I have seen. Why haven’t the doctors done this type of research? I mean this is their jobs right? Yet I find most of my time repeating my symptoms over and over again, trying to explain myself and convince them its not 'normal'. When I first felt something wasn’t quite right, with reluctance I went to my doctors and explained my symptoms of pains in my stomach. Sometime short, sharp stabbing horrendous pains, others dull aches or a twisting feeling inside, tiredness, emotional.. She dismissed me. Told me to keep an eye on it and come back if it gets worse. Gee thanks, great help that doc! Being naive as i was at that time, that’s what I did. Four months later the pain was unbearable and my stomach was so swollen i looked five months pregnant, periods were all over the place and i had become an emotional wreck. This time i didn’t want to go to the doctors at all. Just to be fobbed off again? No thanks. What was the point? But I did after being forced to by my mother (it's her job I've been told).. Well, Doctor number 2 actually believed me..major relief! But then swabs done, internal examinations done (one of the most horrid things I’ve experienced!) blood tests. All clear. At that point I was more worried than the start. Back to square one. If it wasnt something simple then surely it had to be something bigger? But no one could tell me what. Doctor number 3 advised me I only had IBS. To change my diet, more fibre needed and I 'just had to put up with it'. Back and forth so many times after that I've lost count. I knew it wasn't just IBS. Then polycystic ovaries was mentioned. But not confirmed. Finally sent for a scan by doctor number 4. Yay, getting somewhere! Results = Clear.. Aaarghh! I started learning here that whatever it was I had, it wasn't going to be an easy ride and it certainly didn't play by the books. No sticking to rules, it was going to do what it wanted.

After countless visits the word endometriosis was mentioned. Endo what? I couldn’t even pronounce it let alone understand what this would mean. After my laparoscopy it was confirmed. I didn’t know quite how I felt at this point. Relieved. Relieved to know I wasn’t going mad, it wasn’t all in my head and now it had a name. Scared. Scared that it was a disease that has no cure. How was I going to cope? How would it change my life? I guess those are things I’m still working through. But now I have a diagnosis at least things would be easier with my doctors now right? Wrong! Hospital told me to take co-codamol for the pain. Doctor then tells me to stop because they are causing the cramps I’m having and should just take paracetamol when needed. When needed?! All the time mate! Tried to explain paracetamol doesn't touch the pain..doctors response "ah right, well.." and that was it! So I did what they said. Still had cramps. Next doctor told me that was wrong and to keep taking co-codamol because it will help with cramps. Round and round in circles. This week was yet another visit to the doctors to see yet another doctor. With advice from my lovely twitter friends, I went in all guns-a-blazing. Backed up with my symptom list, diary and of course the mother! Changed my medications again but this time to things I had researched myself. I really cant understand why the doctors keep providing such inconsistent, sometimes way off and wrong information. So many misdiagnosis by doctors when all the symptoms are staring them right in the face! Told over and over again but they are never linked! Surely with other illnesses, patients don’t have to research it all for themselves then take it to the doctors to explain it to them?! No wonder there is such a lack of awareness regarding endometriosis out there. If the doctors themselves do not fully understand it or how to treat the pain once it is diagnosed, what chance do we have? This is just my experience and I’m sure there are GP's out there that are very helpful with endometriosis cases, but unfortunately for me I’ve only ever met one.

So, its a start of a new journey for me, dealing with endometriosis. Living with it, coping. Or at least trying to. But as I go through this new chapter I am going to try and do everything I can to raise more awareness. I want people to learn that 'Endo What??!' is actually ENDOMETRIOSIS. Learn how to pronounce it (end-oh-meet-ree-o-sis!) and most importantly what it is. A horrible disease that one in ten women suffer from. The second biggest disease that affects women. And that it's not just bad periods. The symptoms we experience are not 'normal'. We shouldn't have to put up with it . All these Doctor Who's need to listen. Need to research. Need to believe. We are the ones who know our own bodies and if something isn't quite right, we know. Hopefully with more awareness raised, everyone will benefit from it. Whether we are sufferers, doctors or families of those who suffer. So, here it goes, wish me luck!



  1. Ohhh, I am so sorry you know this pain...and the confusion that comes with dealing with the uninformed medical community. I know it too and it sucks.

    Connecting with other endo sisters through my blog has helped so much. I hope it will help you too.


  2. Hey Jenn,

    Thanks so much for the comment and reading my blog! I didnt think anyone would read it really so im soo pleased.. Thankyou! Hopefully it'll help others and myself learn that we're not going through it alone,

    Thanks again xx

  3. I'm so behind on my twitter! You started your blog! I'm so excited for you!

    It's such a wonderful thing to reach out and connect with so many other women just by explaining your own thoughts, frustrations and experiences. I'll be following and praying for you.

  4. yes i did it! i was a bit nervous about doing it.. and still am when i post a new blog but im really enjoying it! aslong as one person can relate to it then thats all that matters! thanks so much for following! i hope ur well x

  5. Hi! I have suspected Endometriosis (just a symptom comparison, I think I have everyone listed, or close to it). It's so hard to get a doctor to listen. I love my Ob/gyn, but because we are TTC, he doesn't want to a lap. to check *sigh*.

    Well, just wanted to let you know, I'm following you on here and on Twitter!

  6. Hi Crystal, thank you so much for reading my blog, the message and for following me! i appreciate it a lot. its very hard to get a dr to listen, even when you have it confirmed its still hard to get through to them + make them take u serious! I wish u all the luck with TTC and any time u wana chat give me a msg or tweet on twitter! I'll follow u back on there now!
    Thanks once again, take care! Carla x


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